The 80+ testimonials from my clients presented here span the length of my 50+ years as a professional psychic, going all the way back to 1972 when I first began reading professionally. They come from clients from all across the United States, and from all around the world.
Some people have given me more than one testimonial; I have many clients who have remained with me for years and years! These testimonials presented here are but a small sampling of the hundreds and hundreds, maybe even thousands, of feedbacks I have received over the years. I am honored that so many people have trusted me to guide their lives! ![]() "Thank you, John, for the insightful reading." — Jan Roberts (From her reading with me in 2025) "That's John Russell, what a great psychic medium he is. He truly is a remarkable guy." — George Noory, host, Coast to Coast AM (From our show on July 31 2024) "Thank you John for the recent reading. As before, talking with you is like talking with that one friend that tells you what you NEED to hear and not what you WANT to hear. I hope I can use your insight and advice to steer my way through this busy and confusing journey called life. Your description of my dear Uncle Chris was uncanny, and I know his message will bring comfort to my Aunt. Thank you again and until we chat again, stay well and cheers." — Dan...Adelaide, Australia (From his reading with me in 2023) "Thank you John! I really enjoyed my first reading with you!! Previously, I'd heard a couple of your interviews on Coast to Coast and I was so taken with your manner of communication, your accuracy, and personality, I just knew that you were a person I would enjoy connecting with. "Not knowing quite what to expect, I was so happy with how this session evolved. It went way beyond whatever I expected would occur. Not only were you right on the money with your comments and perceptions—they hit areas that I didn't even think about—and they were areas I needed to hear about! Also, your suggestions for meditation and a number of other topics were real gems. It was a real conversation and it was real comfortable! Geez—I wish you were a neighbor, I know we'd have lots to share. "Anyway—it was my FIRST reading with you, but not my last. I'm booking a second reading as there will be lots more for me to explore after this first one. You are definitely a very talented guy." — Susan Strong (From her reading with me in 2022) "I spent 30 minutes on the phone with John. I did not know what to expect and I did not want to set expectations in my head. I said a little prayer prior asking for my ego to be gone and my mind to be open and to be protected spiritually. "When we connected on the phone John was clear and direct. I immediately felt warm positive energy. He immediately stated the name of my nephew who passed 16 years ago whom I can't let go and stop thinking about. He stated that it felt like he recently passed because he was so strong in coming to him. John shared things with me that only my nephew and I knew and shared. I was able to ask questions and convey messages of my own. "I feel like we made a true connection. I have a world of heaviness lifted from me today. I shared this information with my nephew's mom and we both had a healing cry. Thank you John so much!!! You are a blessing to your profession, to spirits who have passed and to me!" — Jennifer Bessey (From her reading with me in 2021) "As a TV Producer, you have to be open minded about the unorthodox, while still retaining a healthy cynicism. After all, the last thing you want to do is pull one over on the viewer. "When I produced John's pilot for the History Channel, I walked into the scenario weighted toward the cynical side. But John, in his humble and understated way, blew away all expectations. "His insights into historical and current events (of which he had ABSOLUTELY NO knowledge of before being thrust into the situation) were nothing short of astounding. When you leave the country's foremost Lincoln scholars wanting for more, you know there's something big going on." Jim Mullen "A good psychic reader is hard to find, but I've found one...JOHN RUSSELL! "As a clairvoyant myself, I'm the world's biggest skeptic when it comes to practicing psychics. Too many of them are simply good b.s. artists. "JOHN RUSSELL is that rare person who has a genuine gift. "His reading included several very specific insights that turned out to be highly accurate. "A reading with John is more than just a look into the past, present and future--it's also a reassurance that there's a plan for your life, that you're not alone, and that the challenges you face can be embraced as learning experiences." Martha C. Lawrence, California; Award winning internationally known author. "Oh--one last thing--another part of that reading you gave me is coming to fruition. You are really quite gifted, John. Continue to take good care of yourself, since the world is blessed by your insight." -- Martha C. Lawrence "John, Thank You . . . for your sharing your Light and helping me grow. Your readings are the best!" -- Martha C. Lawrence "If you could use some tough love, clear truth, and wise counsel, consider having a reading with JOHN RUSSELL. "After hearing John's excellent presentation on 'SIGHTINGS ON THE RADIO,' I felt impelled to call him. I soon found out why. Without my saying anything much at all, John quickly identified a key issue in my life that needed intensive care. "His insights opened the door for some major healing, and the blessings from this continue to unfold. "I've studied and worked with some of the best psychologists in the country, and I can recommend John's work without qualification, and with highest praise and respect. As a spiritual counselor, John's gifts are unique. As a success coach, he has great skill in seeing stumbling blocks, and providing practical tools for continuing your own work. As a Guardian Angel, John brings an unusual array of disciplines together to provide light for your journey, and comfort for your soul. "What a joy to find someone who has such gifts, and who uses them with such grace." A.J. Noble, California; Nationally published writer and venture development consultant. "I wanted to do this testimonial because I feel John has a gift that should be shared with people all over who need his insights to put them on the best path for their future. "The first time I called John, I really just wanted to talk to a psychic and see if it really works. What he told me within the first few minutes changed my life for the better forever. "He talked to me a little bit about my father which really got my attention, but the real kicker was when he told me I have a keen eye for portraits and I would be good in landscapes. You see, until then, I knew I was good but I didn't believe it. My art has been progressing ever since then. "The last time I called John, I thanked him for being so accurate in his prior reading and for saving me from some severe financial problems. This was just one of the many things that he has told me that has helped make my life better. He has given me the confidence to try things on my own and to trust my instincts. Because of his readings, I am opening a business for the first time and I have the confidence and the knowledge to make it happen. "He even told me to continue playing tennis but maybe not 5 times a week! I think my comment was how did you know I played tennis? I think he said that was why he was a psychic. I just know that he has been dead on with his readings to me, and I feel I have someone I can trust and that who cares about me as an individual. "You are a class act, John Russell. "Thanks, Jan." Jan Vining, Alabama; Artist/Business owner. "When I first called John, I truly wasn't someone who had ever been convinced of the 'Psychic' energy that many people claimed to have. Although I believed that there were people with the gift, I never had met anyone who authentically had it. "I called John because I felt that he had the credentials from his website, but I was at first reluctant to believe anything that would be told to me (I have had readings before, but nothing that was ever told to me came into fruition). "From the start of our conversation I personally had a comfortable feeling from John. He is a normal person who does not boast of his abilities. He is straight forward and extremely honest during his readings. "But most of all, his predictions are undeniably accurate. From the readings I have had with John, all of what he predicted and felt has been 100% accurate! The timelines in which he places some of the events that have already taken place have been right on the mark. "I highly recommend John Russell to anyone who is seeking to find answers. "He is indeed the real thing." Dustin Dichoso, Texas; Musician/Composer "In the midst of a very frustrating and difficult time, a year and a half ago, I accidentally stumbled over John's web site and I decided to give it [a reading] a try. I was at the time a struggling IT entrepreneur and was in the midst of a crisis: losing my firm. From my first encounter with John, I was stunned by his ability to actually place himself in the midst of my ordeal - as if he had been involved from day one! I received from him the brutal facts and what the final outcome of the situation would be down to details I was too blind to realize. At the time this was not what I wanted to hear and this honest and direct portrait of my situation shocked me. In hindsight it turned out to be a real blessing: I was en route to 'no-where' and John helped me to come through the crisis with my dignity intact and the ability to pursue new opportunities. "John's incredible gift gives you an insight to prepare for what really lies ahead - may it be good or bad events coming your way - and very, very much to my numerous surprises, it turns out almost 100% accurate - every time! It is stunning and sometimes almost chilling to see how the roadmap unfolds itself - just as he predicts! I have since my first session with John on numerous accounts found myself completely blown away by his accurate input and I no longer try to figure out how this can be - I now accept that this is a god-sent source for those who are willing to seek answers! Thanks to John, I came through my ordeal wiser and less bruised as opposed to being taken by surprise. I have since then set sails for a completely new direction in my professional life and I have kept in regular touch with John and consulted with him in order to update my 'charts.' I have not only found the best 'pilot' to help me steer away from reefs and shark infested waters, but I've also found the most caring and wonderful friend you could think of! Armored with John's guidance, life's many challenges can better be dealt with for those who are fortunate enough to navigate as per his input. I am blessed to have the opportunity to tap into this incredible ability of his, which I hereby testify is genuine and caring. However, this is a source for those who are preparing for real life - not for someone seeking a sunshine cushion..." E. O.; Entrepreneur, Investor "To whom it may concern: This is my testimonial for those who are willing to make use of this extraordinary advisory input when in need. "I am a professional IT Entrepreneur with a clinical view of life and religion, but open minded to the fact that there are things in life we have not found answers to. "I contacted John by reference in a time of great personal and business distress. My whole career was on the brink of total collapse due to the general downturn in the world economy. "Being in very rough waters financially with my company, facing a bankruptcy situation, John gave me insight in what to expect facing this ordeal in a realistic manner and better prepare me for the nightmare battle I had to go through in my professional life. Upon writing this testimonial, I am now through the worst, and it went down as per his prediction. "More important, John also gave me an insight to look beyond the present battle and cast my eyes on another horizon with new opportunities waiting. To my great surprise these were thoughts and plans I had put on the back burner for some time, as I saw the downturn coming!! I was stunned to learn that he could bring this to my attention and also quote phrases I later was told by others involved with the planning of my new ventures. "John's predictions are very honest and accurate, certainly not for those who seek a 'yes' man - I got the brutal facts served and this prepared me for my ordeal in a better way and more important, it gave me the initiative to prepare for new ventures and also, I found a true friend!" -- E. O. "I've known John for about twenty-eight years. I have been his business associate and own some of his paintings, which are quite spiritual in their own fashion. "Never, however, until recently, did I think he could tell me things about objects that I owned, the history of which he had no knowledge. But he was able to do this, in a way that was not simply good guessing. "In one case he had a vision of a person and workplace that existed some twenty five years ago that was connected to a pocket knife which I serendipitously pulled out of my tool box. He told me some things that were very unsettling and which had been true at the time, most importantly about the relationship of two people at the workplace, one of which was my father and the other, a man I knew, and how they had had a falling-out over money. I had not thought about this in years and it astounded me that he would say this. Especially since I remained silent as he spoke about the knife and gave him no clue as to the accuracy of his remarks. I sat stolidly, as though playing a poker hand. But John had the straight flush and called, and I had to tell him he was on the mark. "On other matters and objects he has proved accurate. And when he can't say anything, he doesn't. Which is quite valuable in itself. For I know if he is talking to me, I should be listening carefully." J.C., Texas; C.P.A. "John is a great counselor with an abnormally accurate insight for the future. When faced with uncertainty or challenging situations, regardless the topic, John can steer one in the right direction. His advice and predictions has always been spot-on." Johannes Schwarz "My testimonial in regards to the talent of Mr. John Russell: I called Mr. Russell three years ago with three specific questions in which he, as time has revealed, answered correctly. The last question was in regards to my career, and as much as I have tried to not take this particular path, it seems as though this chosen career is indeed going to be my destiny. Throughout these past years I kept wondering in the back of my mind if he was going to be right, as indeed, it seems he is. And even though, as I stated, I sincerely wanted to go in a different direction, I know this profession is one in which I will be able to easily grow and prosper and thanks in part to the words from Mr. Russell, I am filled with this great sense of peace." Sincerely, Melodie "I had a reading with John a few months ago. I was skeptical at first and when I spoke to him I was under a lot of stress. He was very understanding, very honest, and most of all down to earth. I had asked him about a woman I had been harboring a crush on and he told me that she was definitely 'not the one' and that in fact she had little interest in me despite her behavior to the contrary. Naturally I did not want to hear that. However his insight turned out to be completely accurate and in fact the series of events he described that would occur over then next few months with her did occur. Secondly he told me that my business partner would be difficult because he harbored a crush on me and that turned out to be completely accurate as well. He also told me that my mother would recover somewhat from a recent heart attack while our family was certain she would pass given all her health issues. She has indeed gotten better and has had some improvements, which is shocking to our family. He also told me that my business would be successful but that it would take time. It has indeed been like a roller coaster, but I am now seeing interest in the products I am that was accurate as well. I have spoken to a number of psychics over the years, and frankly they have only been slightly accurate, despite their following. John's reading far exceeded my expectations given his accuracy level." -- Suzanne, Port St. Lucie, FL "I was driving to work this morning listening to Magic 105....I heard that you would be on shortly and for people to call in. I have never had a reading or gotten thru to any radio station, I still thought I might have a chance. I dialed the number and the phone just rang and rang, finally the DJ'S picked up. "To my surprise they told me to turn my radio down and then I was on the air with you. Although, had I thought it through I would have asked a question within my question, I just blurted out what had been heavy on my heart for almost a year now. I asked you about a relationship I had that had been put on hold. You didn't hesitate and you didn't ask me anything but what you said was forthcoming and I know in my heart true. The surprise was when you told me I would meet someone in Oct/Nov and that person would put me first, you then went on to say he would put me on the 'front burner'. What you didn't know from me, was that when my other relationship started breaking, the man said, 'I want to put us on the back burner for now.' It was almost 90 degrees outside at the time and humid but I got the chills when you spoke that phrase. Thank you so much, maybe you know what I have been through and what your few minutes of talking to me meant. God Bless." -- Carol Dampier, Arkansas "John is incredibly accurate! My reading with John was incredibly enlightening and accurate. Prior to my reading with John, I was feeling a great deal of uncertainty regarding my finances and current job as well as the future direction of my career. John's incredible ability to tell me about the challenges at work and to predict the transition that I will be going through within the next 2 years, was extremely uplifting and inspirational. I would definitely rank John as an exceptional and very gifted psychic. I look forward to my next reading." -- C.T., New Jersey "John Russell's on target! I work in the freelance world and whenever I talk to John Russell he ALWAYS tells me when and where my next gig will be coming from. John's more than a career coach, he keeps me focused not just on career goals, but also important life lessons. I love to check in with John's perspective - I love his humor." -- Jacque, New York, New York "This is the real deal. He's a great guy and knows his stuff. I had the pleasure of seeing john in action at a haunted place. The things he came up with were true and outstanding. He seemed to hit the nail on the head everytime! It was awesome to watch a professional in action." -- Bill Yeoman, New York (This testimonial from my dear friend Bill was in response to his witnessing a paranormal investigation I conducted in Cornwall, New York.) "JOHN...I want to thank you for the help I received in my reading last week. The information you gave was not only accurate, but it was a great comfort to me. You have been a true and loyal friend and I will continue to recommend you to all my friends who are in need. With best wishes!" -- Peggy Miles "John is one of the best I have ever witnessed. His insights and suggestions matched the intuitive responses I had before contacting him. I would recommend John to anyone. I feel his abilities and his sincere personal approach are the strengths he has to offer to clients. Psychics come and go, but with John the proof is in the pudding. John is a professional who is good at his profession. What more can I say?" -- Dave Oester, President, International Ghost Hunters Society "I was very satisfied with the analysis, which Mr. John Russell made for my firm, Intermark. Mr. John Russell told me absolute right, what was with the firm in the past, at present and therefore I believe, what he told me about the future of my firm. I appreciate also the recommendations, which Mr. John Russell gave to me for the more effective administration of my firm. It was very important for me, because I got his recommendations in time and it helped me not to make mistakes, which I couldn't do without the help of Mr. John Russell. I would like to say thanks a lot for Mr. John Russell again and I wish him new successes with his wonderful activity. Best regards, V. Rudnev, Moscow, Russia" -- (Thank you Mr. Rudnev for permission to use your letter, and to my friend Tatiana Korneeva for acting as liason. J.R.) "Reading testimonial for the wonderful John! "Dear John, "Thank you very much for the reading you gave me yesterday evening. It really was life changing. For 2 years I have been obsessed with a guy who in reality is nothing more then a friendly enough acquaintance (even though I try to kid myself that he would want something more). I built him up in my head to be this fantastic, kind person who never seems to give me any real recognition, therefore I blamed myself for it all and over dramatized it all, concluding that I'm simply not worthy enough, nice enough, pretty enough etc to be loved by any guy. It has caused me a tremendous amount of heartache for no good reason and was very self-destructive. "I spoke to other psychics who sugar coated the situation, saying we were in fact Soul mates and saying, 'Oh he is just a little stunted in his emotional growth right now, something will happen between you both in the future when he is ready, he really likes you a lot he is just a little shy.' "I stumbled across your website and felt confident from your testimonials that you would give me truthful insight into the situation. When I asked you about it you had no hesitation in saying 'this is not going to go anywhere, you have to come to this realization, this is like an oil and water mix.' You then went on to say that he was actually someone I should be wary of and would not make me happy, and to not even think of him as a friend, that he is selfish, self centered. I did not like what I was hearing from you. "It was not what I wanted to hear, and I'm still in semi denial about it as it ruined the fantasy of this so-called lovely guy I built up in my head, that I know deep down is really nothing more than my vivid imagination. I know deep down it is probably true, and I can't thank you enough for being so brutally honest in a kind way, and helping me to move on. "You predicted 2 interesting time frames for me next yr with regards to relationships. No psychic I have spoken to before has ever predicted the future correctly for me but I am keeping an open mind and will email you when these time frames come to pass. I look forward to another reading with you in the future. Although some of what you have said to me seems way off base at the moment (regarding being wary of my step sister, etc.) something is telling me to really listen to your advice, judging by what others say about you there clearly is something special going on here, and I hope to be yet another person who emails you to let you know that you were very accurate all along. "Thanks a million John for not sugar coating and hope all is well in sunny Florida!" Best wishes, Isobel, United Kingdom "I have never had a reading before...I was never even sure if I believed. Well after the first sentence, I was and still am a believer! I have never had anyone that didn't know me tell me things like John did. I was shocked beyond belief and it made me cry that someone could know me like that. [Without having known her personally before her reading.] I am very impressed with his work and will highly recommend him to anyone that has ever even been curious. Thank you again John." -- Cynthia Smith-Darku, Grand Rapids, Michigan "I have had the opportunity to use Mr. Russell to do a Tarot reading for me and found that his talent is incredible. I was amazed at the accuracy he read from my past situation, what I had gone through and up through my present situations. His psychic ability was right on the button and he explained everything thoroughly. There is no doubt in my mind of his capability and I will highly recommend him. I look forward to further readings with Mr. Russell." -- Linda Castillo, Texas "Within the public eye, there are believers in the psychic realm and skeptics. You, John, could make a believer out of anyone. Your reading was clear and to the point. It was a real treat! Hugs to you" -- Marjorie, New York "Thanks so much for the wonderful reading John! I'm happy to have clarification on many of the issues in my life. And advanced warning in some cases. :-) You'll always be my preferred psychic advice provider! Thanks again and take care!" -- Kim "Hello John, I am still amazed at some of the things you told me, especially the dream interpretation you did for me. I will take your advice and truly make 1998 the best year of my life. I thank you and I am totally convinced that you are gifted. You're an amazing friend and I hope we will remain such for a long long time to come. Your newly acquired friend, The woman with the laughter." -- Irma "Thank you so much....For the amazing dream interpretation! You helped me go from worried and a bit frightened to confident and prepared. {{{Hugs}}} Your guidance means so much to me!" -- Kim "John, in a reading you gave over a year ago, you predicted some very specific things, and the timeframes in which they would occur. When told, the parties involved laughed and scoffed and said it couldn't happen. Well, the exact things you predicted over a year ago have now happened to those people exactly as you said they would. Their questions now are: 'How the hell could he have known this was going to happen a year ago?', and: 'When can I get a reading with him?' I just smile, and tell them: 'I told you...he's good!' -- Mollie Wright [Thanks, Mollie, for the phone call and for letting me know the outcome! I miss our dinner parties with Mom and Sis! J.R.] -- (For the record: I always give my clients tools to help them avoid or minimize any future negative circumstances.) "I've always been a total skeptic, John, and I've tried several psychics and I've always been disappointed. Well, I don't know how you've done what you have in this reading you did for me today, but I have to tell you that there's something operating here for which I have no explanation! Your insights and statements about my past and present goings ons were right on the money, and some of these things were known only to me, no one else! And, I can say that what you've told me for my future seems logical in light of your other revelations! My Dad had a reading with you, and recommended you, and I thought he'd just been 'taken' by another smooth tongue. Now I have to admit I was wrong, and that you are indeed all that he said you were. I still don't know how you've done what you've done, but it's been very impressive, John, very impressive. Keep up the good work." -- G.M. "You have more than exceeded my high expectations! Thanks." -- A.T. "It's very interesting, because I'm seeing happen the things you told me a few months ago in my last reading with you." -- W.S. "Great reading!" -- Catherine M. "Right on the head!" -- Sherry "Right on the money!" -- Karleen "John --- you've done me more good in my time with you this evening than my psychologist has in the past three months put together! Thanks." -- Name withheld by request "Thank you for your help. You've made me feel better." -- Jimmy "Hi, John! ....I thoroughly enjoyed our chat yesterday and hope to hear soon if anything 'panned out.' I didn't need to read all the glowing comments here to believe you have a wonderful gift. Congratulations on the radio spots! My crystal ball says your star is rising! I look forward to hearing from you soon. The Cookie Lady" -- Linda, Texas "Your customer service sets you above the rest!" -- Name withheld by request "You did good; and you made me feel better." -- D.N.J. "I was very satisfied. You were right on the money in what you told me." -- A.L. "Your reading was so helpful to me! Oh my yes! It's been so good!" -- C.G.G. "You've done a very good job!" -- L.W. "You're better than I expected. You're everything I was told, and more!" -- Name withheld by request "You were right to the point, and I like the way you talk!" -- Brenda "You didn't just tell me the obvious things, but you got 'in between the lines,' too." -- E.K. "John has an uncanny sense of where the market is going. Early last week before the big rally he told me to be aggressive. In mid 97 he knew Asia was not the place to be, even before the ringit and baht started to fall. Lots of other times he has had premonitions. Most of the time they are remarkably accurate. The odd thing is, he does not follow the market, knows nothing about it and just goes from how he feels about it. Most unusual; I just don't know what to make of it. But I listen just the same." -- J.C., San Angelo, TX "John has the best intuition that has ever reached me. He always knows when I have had a rough time, he knows the right things to say, and he always makes me feel better." -- Carolyn Johnson "You made my day! Thank you very much!" -- R.A. "I previously spoke with several [other] psychics...but none could hold a candle to your abilities." -- J.B. "I would not hesitate to contact you again for additional readings. You are one of the very few I have ever said I would return to." -- Dave Oester "It's eerie! You're right again!" -- L.A. "He knows, he is for real! Having John to talk with is a most special treat. He is for real, and always is on the target." -- Carolyn Johnson "Thanks John......You pegged me like a BOOK....I sure hope the future brings everything you predicted........And when it does... I'll be back to PRAISE again........Thanks again!!" -- Chris Ashcraft "Not sure, Skeptical, Fearful?-Well read on! In a world full of New Age hucksters and pyschic charlatans, John Russell delivers! "True to his word, John is a straight shooter that hit the bulls-eye not once (which would be a feat), but several times! And I'm not talking about oblique, opened ended, metaphorical references. But rather, specific details (that were independently obtained [by Marc] from four SEPARATE sources PRIOR to our session). "John's friendly advice and 'down home' style felt like an easy chair that you just slide into; comfortable, secure, relaxing. We settled into a natural rhythm just as you would with an old friend at the corner coffee shop. "So if your looking for Ashtar Command, reset your coordinates. If you've got a hankerin' for pie-in-the-sky, take a plane trip and ask for dessert. If what you REALLY need, however, is pragmatic, honest, and USEFUL insight, then your intuition has led you to the right man for the job! I enthusiastically endorse his services to any!" -- Marc Melton "Dear Uncle John, When we met, your immediate reaction to my musings about what to do with my life was quick and certain. I merely mentioned getting back into graduate school, and you blurted out that was exactly what I should do! That was in the winter, and here I am. It was as if the bureaucratic seas parted, and I landed in the perfect grad program. I got my first grade this week, and the old girl made an A! You told me to be patient and a 'relationship' would also develop with someone I considered unlikely. True to form--you are oh so right. He is delightful, and I am perfecting scrumptious fat free desserts so he remains a fit 'hunk.' You have a wonderful gift, and I still don't need to read all the glowing praise, but please don't send any ghosts! Thanks for being a special and encouraging friend. The Cookie Lady" -- Linda, TX "Very impressive & helpful for the questions I was concerned about!" -- Delia "Hi Ryan, just encouraging you to keep talking with Rev. John. I have called in two times, and my coworker also, and he is right on with his observations." -- Julie "It was incredible! He told me, correctly, about every one of my family members even though he'd never met them before, and I'd never told him about them! It was as though he'd lived right here in town with us and had known us all our lives! He was able to tell me significant details that only other family members could have known, and I know that he wasn't able to talk with any of them before my reading. And all this long distance, without ever having laid eyes on any of us! Thanks John for your amazing talent! I have literally seen the things you have predicted for us all come to pass before my very eyes. Keep up the good work!" -- B.R.Q. "AMAZING! 'Nuff said." -- Jennifer "John, I did want to say how much our talk helped me. Mother was also excited about talking with you and seemed more at peace. Thanks again for just being yourself. You have made a new friend in North Carolina. Talk to you soon." -- Marsha "I wish I'd taken to heart what you told me in that reading, because it happened just like you said it would! I could have saved myself some grief. I'll know better next time!" -- W.R.S., TX "Thank you so much, John. I felt like I was talking to an old friend. Your reading clarified a lot of things for me. Now I hope I have the strength to carry them through. I'm sending a Thank You to Martha for recommending you. Thank you again." -- Teri "Thanks for the reading. I really enjoyed my reading. It was just amazing!! All the information you gave was very accurate and helpful." -- Name withheld by request "You've made my day!" "You've lifted me up!" "You don't know me. How do you know these things about me?" "Your accuracy is...right on the nose!" "The things you've predicted for me have all come to pass as you said they would." "I've already met many of the people you told me I would." "Did my friend tell you all about me before I came to see you???" "You've told me things no other psychic has ever seen!" "Not what I wanted to hear, but your accuracy is amazing!" "Hi Ryan, I've heard John Russell on your show a few times and I have called in once. I LOVE hearing him. He gives terrific readings on the air and he has such a logical approach to things. He is fun to listen to. I'm glad he's one of the 'Insight Regulars.' I'll try to listen to his regular shows on the last Thursday of every month!" -- Michelle in Marshfield, WI "Expect John Russell to be honest and straight forward. And listen to the whole show to get the perspective. He has given me good information, though not necessarily what I wanted to hear." -- Julie "There is no better Psychic or Paranormal Expert around than John Russell. He gives logical advice while still encouraging people to think for themselves." -- Ryan Lindsey, Host of Insight "When you had John Russell on the air the time before last, I called in and asked him about a court date I had coming up. He told me the outcome would be in my favor and I would be suprised. I wanted to let you know he was right on the money. It shocked me because I just did it for fun and also to calm my nerves a little bit. I just wanted to say thanks to him and both of you." -- Angie Able "You [gave] me my first reading which I must say was life changing. Again, I hope you are doing well. You don't know what that 30 minute reading has meant to me. It is one instance in my life I will never forget and I thank you for that. Warm and Kind Regards." -- Jennifer Polito, NV "Hi John, I just wanted to let you know that I can't stop thinking about the reading you gave me last week. I truly enjoyed talking with you and I could feel your warmth and sincerity. Best wishes and thanks again." -- Carolyn "Hello, Reverend Russell. I have often thought about you, and I wanted to get in touch with you to let you know about some more of your predictions that have come true. You are all that you say you are, John. That is a pretty good track record for a psychic." -- J.B. "Your psychic powers are intact. Remember the papers I was looking for and you were so sure they were in a box that was under something? I searched in and under every visible box in my office. Later on I found a box that was under a small chest of drawers, but it was shoved too far back underneath for it to be visible; the missing papers were there!" -- E.S.O. "I knew Harold Sherman [renowned psychic and author] and have had readings with both him and John Russell. I believed Mr. Sherman to be one of the best psychics I'd ever known, and I'd have to place John's psychic talents on a par with Mr. Sherman's, and say John's maybe even a tad better!" -- John Boynton "Dear John, I wanted to thank you for taking the time to speak with me. Speaking to you was such a help. I really appreciate it!" -- Caroline "Psychic friend, you did me good!" The 80+ testimonials from my clients presented here span the length of my 45+ years as a professional psychic, going all the way back to 1972 when I first began reading professionally. They come from clients from all across the United States, and from all around the world. Some people have given me more than one testimonial; I have many clients who have remained with me for years and years! These testimonials presented here are but a small sampling of the hundreds and hundreds, maybe even thousands, of feedbacks I have received over the years. I am honored that so many people have trusted me to guide their lives! |