To whom it may concern:
This is my testimonial for those who are willing to make use of this
extraordinary advisory input when in need.
I am a professional IT
Entrepreneur with a clinical view of life and religion, but open minded to the fact that there are things in life we have not found answers to.
I contacted John by reference in a time of great personal and business
distress. My whole career was on the brink of total collapse due to the general downturn in the world economy.
Being in very rough waters financially with my company, facing a bankruptcy situation, John gave me insight in what to expect facing this ordeal in a realistic manner and better prepare me for the nightmare battle I had to go through in my professional life. Upon writing this testimonial, I am now through the worst, and it went down as per his prediction.
More important, John also gave me an insight to look beyond the present battle and cast my eyes on another horizon with new opportunities waiting. To my great surprise these were thoughts and plans I had put on the back burner for some time, as I saw the downturn coming!! I was stunned to learn that he could bring this to my attention and also quote phrases I later was told by
others involved with the planning of my new ventures.
John's predictions are very honest and accurate, certainly not for those who seek a "yes" man - I got the brutal facts served and this prepared me for my ordeal in a better way and more important, it gave me the initiative to prepare for new ventures and also, I found a true friend!
E. Overgaard, Norway