In a moment, you will enter the domain of the surreal....whatever
thoughts you've held beforehand about the magickal mysteries of
the universe are about to be shattered.
You will
be given a free choice to click on either candle below,
which will take you to another dimension of time and space....once there,
you will see a group of regular playing cards, something you believe
will be comforting because they're rather ordinary items with which
you think you're familiar....but you're not!
You will be asked to
mentally and silently select any one of the
cards before you. Concentrate on that card....look at it, and only at it, and
concentrate hard! When you've both concentrated and
memorized it so that you will not forget it, then click on the
spider....which will take you to the next simple step, and
reveal mysteries to you the likes of which you've only dreamed!
Now, make your choice below, and enter if you dare!