The Official website of internationally known professional psychic John Russell

World renowned professional psychic John Russell has over 38 years experience in providing genuine, accurate psychic readings to a worldwide clientele by phone

John Russell, internationally known professional psychic and Tarot Master with clients worldwide. John has over 38 years professional experience providing his clients with authentic and accurate psychic readings; Tarot Readings; mediumship; psychometry; dream interpretation; and much, much more. John is also a recognized paranormal investigator and shot a TV Pilot for the History Channel.

Psychic readings, by phone, worldwide --
"My phone readings are every bit as accurate as an in-person reading with me

To schedule a psychic reading with John phone: (386) 586-7640
Your call will usually be returned within 48 hours

The information on this web site is current as of:  

Rates for a reading

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